just stumbled upon an old cache of my pictures taken in malaysia on some church camp i think. i meant to show them to everyone, but at that time, i didn't blog and was lazy to email to everyone. So i kinda forgot all about them for quite a while and decided to share it with everyone.

some image i found in a departmental store. i mean... its not english, and it doesn't even rhyme. gosh.

a unnamed branded brand. :) "no fear" rip off.... they just had to choose "name" to replace "fear".

my younger bro nathaniel next to his car.
well........ u get what i mean

for those who don't know, baka is japanese for idiot or something to that extent. well. GOOD taste for a band name. boyu! your distortion or cock or whatever doesn't sound that bad anymore. ^^

this nice battered proton was given a nice name. na li you fu mu bu wang nui cheng feng, wang zhi cheng long ne(which parents don't want their daughters to become phoenixes and their sons dragons?) ? lofty aspirations. You know they say if u scratch off the paint from a proton, you can actually see milo tins? :) please don't try.

you know those little signs under the big overhead ones on the expressway like the one above?
well... i found where they came from:

yep. okay. i think i have more funny car number plates, but i think i'll save it. too much lame stuff in a day can have really bad side effects. :) ask the people sitting near me in class. okay. more lame stuff for another time. lamer signing out~