Wednesday, November 29, 2006

what. your god sleeping issit?

well. you might have heard that one.
like when prayers go unanswered, or someone doubts your religion because there's no proof that your supreme-being-in-question exists

i heard it from uncle michael when i was younger. i dont remember the details, but he told us a story in church about he and some other person. well, besides the intended "our God is real" lesson from the story, i vaguely remember something along the lines of "you know why your god never reply you anot! he is sleeping lah!".

well, the in the bible there's the whole story about the lighting the altar.
you know the story. well, if you dont, go read 1 Kings 18.

"At noon Elijah began to taunt them. "Shout louder!" he said. "Surely he is a god! Perhaps he is deep in thought, or busy, or traveling. Maybe he is sleeping and must be awakened."

1 Kings 18:27

i am not racist nor religionist. or whateverist. but today i found a buddha taking a swim.
please note that i'm not buddha-thrashing, nor am i anti-buddhist.

but sometimes gods go for a little recreational activities.
weather's awfully fine today, a swim in the monsoon drain, perhaps?

dont blame this one for not listening to you.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

i feel like sitting on a rock by the waters.

Friday, November 17, 2006


some days, you sit and wonder just who you can trust.
the train ride home with poo and a little bit of talking made me realise that there aren't many people you can trust completely. heck, i'd dare say you can't do it.

find me a person who hasn't lied, withheld the truth, gone back on his word, or spilled a secret.

honestly, i dont trust myself.
and if it helps you to approach everything with a little more caution, then dont trust me completely either.

humans are unreliable.
i would, however, make an exception for supreme beings, more affectionately known as God.

and the more i think about it. the less i know.

i really wish trust was as simple as it was in secondary school. with lebbie going "can i trust you?"
and upon approval, go "thrust!" as he jabs you in the ribs.
ahh yes, it was a lot simpler back then wasn't it.

and no, no one has betrayed my trust.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

if you've never believed in miracles, now's the time to.
(: blog when i get back. gotta fly to school for a talk.

i'm a believer.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

i scribble things into a book.
on it's cover are the words in black marker: "for the days you feel like shit"
i scribbled something a few weeks ago i wish i never did.
and i hope i wont have to heed my own advice, as much as i know i should.

if you had something that meant more than anything in the world to you.
and suddenly, you realise you're losing it,
would you hold on for dear life?

or hide from it, cover your eyes, and when you really lose it, wish you had done something sooner?

i'd think it's a no-brainer.

but what if, you realise you can't do anything about it?
would you hope it goes quickly so it wouldn't hurt so much,
or would you keep it and attempt to savour every last dying moment?

life should come with a user manual.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

you can give everything you've ever had, your hopes, dreams, aspirations, secrets,
but how do you make up for time, or for that matter, familiarity?

i'm highly doubting it's possible.
the cue is to take a bow and exit backstage.

Friday, November 10, 2006

i wish my birthday would come faster so i could waste a wish on something.
oh well, i shall try to remember to wish it when it does come because 5 months isn't the shortest of times.

tomorrow is friday, which means submissions for all the rest of the e-learning nonsense. i should get down to some proper work soon because interim presentation would be around the week after next or something like that. i don't know if i got it right, but starting early never hurt anyone.

i really really feel quite shitty at the moment.
there goes my mood for blogging.
will try to think of something tomorrow.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

it's not how much you helped
but it's the fact that you stopped to help that matters.

thanks. (:

Monday, November 06, 2006


okay, i know i havent been blogging because i've been busy with another submission, but since i just finished it last thursday i guess i could afford some time to blog because it's e-learning week.

here's a little update on the slightly more interesting things that happened:

(1) snakes in a ditch. (2 Nov)

found a approximately 2m long dead python in the longkang behind my house. not something you'd see everyday. and although not as active as the ones in the movie(or so i heard), you dont normally see snakes. especially in a ditch. making it ALMOST as absurd as snakes on the plane, just that this was for real.

prior to that, and the partially the reason i why saw it, was because i missed a stop on 154, and ended up in some monasteries district or something, with high walls and no straight road through them. so i spent around half an hour, walking around in the sweltering heat, after not sleeping for a little over 48hours.

if i felt any enlightenment, it was probably in the head(pun intended! light-headedness,you weetard)

anyway, after 30mins of monk-eying around(oh, please kill me), i finally found the road home, and along the way i saw the snake. was a little freaky at first, but when i took things into perspective, i came to the conclusion that it wasn't as bad as ivan screaming upon see the 1m long one the last fishing trip.

thank goodness.

(2) a very very inconvenient truth. (3 Nov)

you might have heard of the movie because it was in the papers the around slightly over a week ago, where al-gore's face is plastered over the front page of Life. summarized, it's a movie where al-GORE (see picture), former candidate for US president. (you know the end of the story, the monkey wins and al-gore goes back to his tree-hugging.), comes on, and talks about global warming, which everyone knows, but nobody really cares about, except save-the-earth extremists.

teachers treated us to the movie, which i thought was pretty good because teacher's normally just give you assignments, so it was great for a change. that is, UNTIL i realised the show was utterly boring and i dozed off 3 times during it.

honestly, the only slightly less sleep-inducing part of the show was the frog in the boiling water. i managed to keep awake for that portion *beams*

i can't tell which would have been worse. a monkey bombing everything, or Mr. Jolly Green Giant imploring everyone to emit less carbon. but what i can say, from the bits i stayed awake for, he was probably going along the lines of - have less barbeques, save the trees for our kids.

i say, let's stop having kids, so we dont have the save the trees for them.


but whatever the case, at least i got to go to vivocity.
okay, i know i'm slow. but yea, second time i went to vivocity, but this time, the shops mostly open.
the playground and deck areas were the best part of the place, and on the overall, vivocity is overrated. it's huge, but much of it is circulation space.
oh, and toys-r-us is huge. almost like forum when we were kids. ahh, the days where transformers and crash dummies were the things we could see but never afford. and cycling around the store was allowed(at least until you got caught).

the shaking giraffe in at the entrance is pretty freaky though.


well, i guess that's it for what happened. o_O not the most entertaining weekend. but probably a lot more fun than some of you jc people who are too bored and reading my blog. all the best for the As.

till next weekend. (: