Thursday, June 30, 2005

i realised why you cant seem to tag.
the darned myshoutbox is screwy. not just for my site, but all those who are on myshoutbox. bleah i need my taggie.
hope it goes up soon.

have you ever hoped so hard for that something to happen, and when it does you don't know what to do, and then you wish it never happened?
bleah. what am i talking about.

7 days without a tag on the tagboard. i feel neglected.
where's the incentive to blog anymore?

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

pretty, soft-spoken demeanour, and an affinity for cars.
although not that great, the ability to spot out an evolution demands quite a bit of respect.

one of the few girls i know whose purposed of watching the show is not oogle over edison chen, or jay chou(although i wonder who in *>?@%&$* heck would).

initial d.
not bad if you're looking at the cars and the driving. those people can drift real good.
a pretty watery storyline, but its not like you can expect much coming from a anime to screen, where only a fragment of the whole anime is shown within the span of about 2 hours.
thus the head without a tail.

i shall not give a rating because it would be horribly biased due to my inclination towards cars, street racing, and anything from japan.

today is the first day i've taken neoprints since first intake.
although still missing the company, its nice to get together and take a group photo in the all too familiar machine after such a long time.
memories past and the marking of a new beginning.
ohhhh, so much feelings encapsulated in that box by the cascading curtains.
enough with the melodrama before anyone pukes without even stepping into a car.

(now which idiot pukes withhouut.... x) nevermind. watch the show.

now all that's left is war of the worlds, fantastic four.
bleah. why do all the cool movies come out at the same time?
moneymoneymoney... sigh.

Friday, June 24, 2005

SMRT my ass. STPD would be more like it.

you know the mrt doors are supposed to open when something get's stuck in them?
somehow today seemed a little different.

well, i shall summarize

bag strap got stuck in the door.
door did not open.

so i stood in the same awkward position from dover to city hall(because the stops in between are on the opposite side), with my right shoulder seemingly glued to the door.
as much as i liked to stick my head into a hole, or under an mrt seat, i was rendered unable to do so.


and dan said that the doors open when his shirt got stuck in it.


all jc pple: all the best for the block tests! :)
after that must go out okay?
and visit this blog.

the viewship ratings have dropped. x)

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

a series of unfortunate events involving dc.

today, me and luc decided to go for rugby training, after a week of procrastination, citing an impending project dateline as the reason for absence.
so we headed down to the pitch after school, pulling along our lead-filled legs, after a whole day of school.
and we went on the pitch.

and i noticed that 3/4 of all the players were girls.
"hubba bubba. x)" was what i thought initially.
but at the same time i was rather surprised at the amazingly high proportion of girls.

but i dismissed it as a coincidence - that girls dominate both touch rug and full-contact.
because i like to focus on the matter at hand. ^o^

then i gave up after realizing i wasn't wearing my specs. this was rugby after all.
all 'bout the balls. not other spherical objects.

crap. i've digressed a little too much.
(all part of the fulfillment of my quest to be the next douglas adams.)

back to the story.
then when i asked this guy about what position he played...
i finally realised it was touch rugby.

yes. TOUCH RUGBY. or what i would call. Not-So-Rugby.
not saying that i've anything against touch rug, but i guess its not really my cup of tea.
its not RUGBY to me. its... its..... TOUCH RUGBY. x)

much to my disappointment though, the girls did not have a match with the guys(weeeelll... excect the last match with involved one girl, but she was on my team.).

but back to the point once again.
training was darned easy.
the only tiring part of the whole session was the warm ups.

i'm not saying touch rug is a piece of cake. it might just be the sp training.

what i've learnt is that unlearning is a lot tougher than learning.
like in contact, we normally hit first, then let the ball out.
for touch, its pass before hitting, or get touched, and PUT THE BALL DOWN.

hence i got quite a few touch passes. which was not a very good thing.

then came then standing flat when defending and standing deep when attacking.
for which i just stood deep all the time, much to the inconvenience of my team mates.

thank goodness most of them were nice people.

in the end, after some ugly stupid mistakes and some nicer moments, the match ended.
and the coach said something that was i felt a little uncomfortable with.

"some of you are very good. quick learners. people like lucas, daniel, desmond...."
that was fine. a little praise was pretty nice.

"i hope to see you on thursday."
and i was thinking. "sorry to break your heart, coach, but i belong somewhere i can legally pulverize people."

"and looking at the people we have now, we should be able to form a guys touch rug team. maybe about 2 more people."
now i feel bad.

as much as i would like to feel up some people's bums(just an off the cuff remark. you can take your hands off your bum now.), i'd much rather spear them.
i need an outlet for all the inner rage in me!
not that there's much though.

and that wrapped up the training.
i didn't fall, i didn't get bruised, and i didn't get all that much of a good work out.
i hope i get the timeslot right next time.

i miss getting hurt,
and i'm too much of a wuss to cut myself(worry not. x)

next practice!

Monday, June 20, 2005

a long long time ago, in a distant land, lived a little boy(ok fine. not so little) boy by the name of dc.

he attended the sp academy where his powers and skills were always put to the test,
juggling rigorous training in the ways of the archi and fighting the forces of evil hell bent on taking over the much coveted bejeweled high score.


school upadate.
after being busy for the past two weeks doing our first primer, it was revealed to us today that the next primer has just begun.
all hope of getting some rest is sorta gone.
oh well.

but on the brighter side of things, i've found a group of people whom i probably would be hanging out with for the next year or so, and surprisingly, they aren't spastic, although they're all bent on beating each other at bejeweled on my phone.
which isn't so bad despite the fact that i've to charge my phone every 2 days.

thats about it.
poly is pretty much just a whole load of work.
i really hope we get to go out together soon though, if time permits.

Friday, June 17, 2005

im tireded. tireded is more tired den tired.
school has been a killer for the past two weeks.
sleep-deprivation is not good.
sleep-deprivation is very very bad.
so bad i think i'm talking rubbish.
teacher says the next primer will start on monday.
which gives us about........ a week......
to catch up on 2 weeks worth of sleep.
i feel like a draftsman already.

anways. batman begins is a good show. :)
i'm so tired i wanna sleep. hey. what am i talking about?
ahhhhh.... i'm going crazy.
as i like to say: my train of thought as been derailed.
please come back when i'm a little less....
for lack of a better word,

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

i've stayed up two nights til about 3 in the morning just to complete work.
whoever said poly was slack is a faggot who's probably out to decieve people.

well, he got me.

poly is not slack. yesh, not slack.
you heard it right.

all you jc people! don't think you're the only ones who are stressed!

shoot. i'm sleepy.
this feels soooo.... secondary school.

Monday, June 13, 2005

shoulder length hair, braces, and a tribal tatoo about the size of my foot(size 12) on the lower back.

that is like, so... funkae.

i've think found one which i think looks hot and from my school! wow.
a little on the unconventional side though.
not someone mom would like to see. x)

and so i'm left wondering if my taste in chicks has gone to the dogs, i've started to adapt to my school environment, or that everyone has that attraction to the badass chick sometimes.
(cue in "bowling for soup - girl all the bad guys want")

but i've this strange feeling that i've just manifested my affinity for cute&gruesome, pretty&scary stuff (ala happy tree friends, gloomy bear, emily the strange) into attraction to chicks possessing characteristics along those lines.

but anyway...
&$%&^#%*@*!! year two student. gah.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

went for charmaines parteeee.

not very fun x).
it was okay i guess, but a tad too noisy and rowdy for my liking.
maybe its because i'd rather sit on the beach and look at stars though.

the food was supposed to be good
(i wouldn't know because me, leb and kelv decided to go eat dinner. wonderfully decided by flipping a coin.)
the drinks were good.

after seeing some people get a little tipsy, i've come to a conclusion.
keep harder alcohol out of reach of people who cant hold they drink.
i mean, i just think drunk people are a little freaky.
never know what they might do.

oh, and i think jc people are more fun than poly people.
i just seem to get along better with 'em.

but now that i'm in poly, i don't think i've very much choice. =/

Thursday, June 09, 2005

schools getting hard.

i have never ever ever in my long-legged life, ever stayed up til 3 in the morning just to complete a set of 6 sketches.
i guess maybe i was a little naive to think that poly was a lot more slack than jc.
it probably IS more slack, but let's just say it's not by that much.

no wonder everyone says architects don't sleep.
oh wellll...
it is still pretty fun. :)
oh wait, all designing is damn fun.

but its just crossed my mind, that despite me loving designing and all that, i'd wonder if designing would ever become boring.
i mean. its designing every single day.

this would have been heaven.
this IS heaven, with a few strings attached i must say.

just a thought. i'm still pretty much addicted to designing.
for better or for worse.
til death do us part.

hey. anyone thought of designing your own coffin?
this is getting eerie.
i'd better stop thinking strange thoughts.

Monday, June 06, 2005

today is not a good day.

i've screwed up the first primer for the semester by making a horrendous looking monstrosity of a structure, and only realise after that it was going to be graded. pooh.

i missed the first rugby practice because i had to rush to sign up for the school scholarship.
the thing is that i brought all my stuff. -.-"

i got locked out of the house for 4 hours today.
managed to eventually get into the house at 11pm.

and here i am at home.

4hours is a long long time.
but i did plenty of constructive things which you might just wanna try one of these days.
you never know when you might get locked out of the house for 4 hours!

(1) play with your treo.
fantastic way to pass the time. especially equipped with warfare inc. and bejeweled!
although in the situation that you're locked out like me, its unlikely that nothing bad else would happen(like your phone running out of battery, which can and WILL happen. i can vouch for that =/).

treo runs out of battery... move to plan (2)

(2) go to the nearest 7-11 and buy some JOLLY shandy
the only legal alcoholic drink available to kiddies like me.
attempt to get drunk... tremendous failure.

i just realised that the mere thought of getting drunk on SHANDY of all things indicates that i could not have been sober. hmmmm.

and i still wasnt very jolly after that. i think i need some tips from mr. claus.

(3) walk across the road to eat one ton mee.
eat your dinner. no one wants to be homeless and hungry.

(4) walk to the nearest supermarket
you never know what you're missing, like maybe the latest apples, oranges, and dragonfruits from france. they may be growing durians in china or something. how funky is that?
the wide assortment of dead animals is also a hit among the aunties.

(5)punch the nearest wall a couple of times.
a great way to relieve frustration. no wonder people like to cut their wrists.
make note of the surface your punching though. punching the rough ones (for example at my house) may lead to blue blacks, broken skin, and the occasional cut. not recommended unless you really really really like to punch stuff like me. ^^

oh. and the pool is a good place the cool the hands after each session.

when all else fails...
(5) sit around and talk to yourself
... you'd never know what topics you might come up with, who knows what areas of common interests you two might have!
please do not do this aloud.

okay. enjoy the next time you get locked out of the house.

...because i surely didn't.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

my parents are gone for the week.
so are my siblings.

which is a good thing, because it means no fighting over the computer, no form of higher authority.
which is aka... THE great, great freedom.

but somehow it doesnt seem that great.
i'm not going for church camp for the first time in a gazillion years.

guess i'll be missing quite a lot.

and i'm not going to camp because i've got school.
they just can't have the poly students have the same holiday as normal students.

on a side note,

poly students have to pay adult fare for transport, while jc students pay student fare.
45cents versus a about $1.50?

poly students have a lower chance of getting into university as compared to jc students.

this is clear discrimination.
darn the government.

i think the government is pretty screwy.
well. you can take your policies turn 'em sideways and shove 'em up your a$$!

i feel so punk rock. (hmmm... doesnt seem very grammatically correct, but i can't seem to find a more apt way to put it. x)

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

to prevent myself from looking too much like a darned perv(by posting not one, but TWO girl themed posts) who should be condemned to the fiery pits of hell, i shall not speak of what happened in school today.
it's a... touchy topic. ^^
juicy juicy?

not for you to know. ask me. maybe if you're lucky...

okay. now about school.
we're supposed to put up some presentation for thursday.
it's supposed to be something about the 'singapore identity'.
we're doing something about kiasu-ism.

although i think there are multiple spelling errors in our presentation, i didn't really voice out.
strange as it seems, i've taken on the "lets-join-them-because-i'm-gonna-be-here-for-the-next-3-years" mentality.

aware of the adverse effects it would have on my level of english, i shall make it an appoint to blog more often in good, understandable english, in a bid to nullify the effects.
yup. :)
maybe read more too.

for cca, i'm not sure whether to join rugby!.
the ball was like sooo tempting.

my first dilemma in poly.
online games club and guitar club look rather tempting too! ahhhh.
i'm sure the classical playing will help my solo-ing skills.

tomorrow is the presentation. let's see how it goes. x)