Wednesday, July 27, 2005

lonewolf in chains.
groupwork sucks.

i can't say i'm a perfectionist, because nothing i do is anywhere close to perfection.
perfection is relative.

groupwork cramps style.
at much as i like to work with people, sometimes working TOGETHER isn't as easy as it seems.
working BY them is easy enough, ignoring their existence and just working to the best of your ability.

but the guidlines clearly state that teamwork has to be clearly seem, without a clear biaseness of work opportunity seen in the design journal.
which is good in a sense,
but it limits what i can do.

this is good in a sense too, but if people don't have the initative,
it's bad. very bad.

am i confusing?
bah. i give up.
maybe i'm just frustrated.

Monday, July 25, 2005

deecee : a trip down memory lane? (caution, numerous pictures.)

people change. it's inevitable.
but the strange thing is that some traits remain even after such a long time of influence by one's environment.



daniel the american kid (in van's words): modified by daniel
"who roller blades takes an electric scooter down the street into diary queen getting a giant hotdog and ice-cream"

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daniel is still a fat slob. :( as much as he'd like to change, he's too much of a procrastinator to do so. x) but at least its improved.
i think.

that's the only one on "fat".
pics like those somehow disturb me.
its like gluttony embodied.



looking back on the past pictures, it seems like i've spoilt virtually all the pictures i've been in.
spoilt in normal standards. enhanced in mine.

somethings don't change do they?

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finding a chance to pull the funny one on a friend.
hmms. check.

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okay. this one i didn't retain. thank goodness.
daniel the ah lian obsessed with neoprint machines

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daniel madly in love with his computer.
- trying to pull of a hadou ken with chinese new year oranges.
(street fighter move, you cavemen. literal translation - wave fist)

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just some stuff i found looking though some old albums. hahaha.
got bored. x)
worth a laugh i guess...

Sunday, July 24, 2005

The Dancer

Behold the brand of beauty tossed!
See how the motion does dilate the flame!
Delighted love his spoils does boast,
And triumph in this game.
Fire, to no place confined,
Is both our wonder and our fear;
Moving the mind,
As lightning hurled through air.

High heaven the glory does increase
Of all her shining lamps, this artful way;
The sun in figures, such as these,
Joys with the moon to play.
To the sweet strains they all advance,
Which do result from their own spheres,
As this nymph's dance
Moves with the numbers which she hears.

-Edmund Waller

rapture. fantastic. sajc dancers are really good.
energy, grace, poise, expression, virtually completely manifested in the display of slick dance moves, carried out by seasoned and trained feet.

i didn't fall asleep, even though you could say that i've got almost no interest in dance. which shows how good they were.

it was a good concert for another reason.

i got to see so many people.
i went with sherm and marilyn, saw sam, rox, bella, jocelyn, claire l, claire d, yashu, dawn.
and of course the oh-so-fantastic dancers.
CORINNE and jilyn!

i was... great to see everyone.
everyone somehow still remembered who i am, which was amazing, because i'd think i'm one of those people who you befriend, and forget after a while.
so although i'm rather insignificant in a sense.
it was really nice that people still remember. :)

great show, great people.
now dc needs his great sleep.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

any more workshop lessons and i'm going to get asthma.
stoopid people keep filing, sawing, and shaving they're wood to the point where the air in the

workshop is saturated with wood particles.

i think i'm getting a sore throat.

on a seperate note.
after our group hogged all the As the last crit and the last joint study, it's nice to know that we're behind time at the moment in construction of our project.

ooo. how fun. stress.
its supposed to increase productivity.

and i didnt get the design & environment (DE) scholarship.
i feel so disappointed in myself.
even though only one person got it in the whole of architecture, i was actually hoping quite a bit it would have been me.
one of the few times i've not stuck to the "no expectations, no disappointments" philosophy.

and look.
now i feel like crap.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

cheryl said something i felt was really funny today.

"which is better- eternal happiness or a cheese sandwich?"
"a cheese sandwhich, because nothing is better than eternal happiness...
...and a cheese sandwhich is better than nothing."

it should be on one of those badges. x)

okay. today we had a coool household church fellowship, where the kiddies cooked for the old people.
yes. i fall in the kiddies category.
i'd just like to say this.


she makes edible mushrooms poisonous.

ohhh.. now....

the adventures of funny grandfather
the national kidney foundation case

no, this isn't concering the case in the papers, in case you were wondering.

my maternal grandfather asked my dad in car while we were sending him back home today.

[gramps] ey... NKF si simi eh? (ey, what is nkf)
[dad] national kindney foundation. (my sis then translates to chinese. which i can't seem to remember what it was. aiya. chinese fail)
[gramps] um si kentucky meh?! chey! bo guey wa ki hi peng buay sai lip ki eh... (its not kentucky meh?! chey! no wonder when i went there cannot go in!)
[dad] alamak! hit eh si KFC la!
[gramps] KFC, NKF aiya! jit eh "C" eh mah! (KFC, NKF one "c" only wad!"

i shall try to make sure that doesnt happen to me in the future.
but you'd never know.
if a chinese revolution were to arise... history might just repeat itself.

its depressing how some people can change so much over such a short period of time.
friends one day and almost total strangers the next.
makes you wonder just who is worth befriending.

i wish everyone could just be good friends with each other.
gah. i sound like a kid with innocent idealisms.
ignore me.

what a random post. bleah. i must be getting tired.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

the lack of sleep makes people looney.
maybe that's why the people in architecture are starting to act a little on the strange side, talking rubbish, drawing rubbish, making rubbish.
some two body cavities seems to have switched roles.
the work's starting to pile again, with an oral communication crit this friday and the deadline for our second project 2 weeks from now.
i shall blog a little more tomorrow. right now i've got work to do. cooooool huh?

Sunday, July 10, 2005

sometimes it just stinks to be a guy.
(i'm not gonna go change my sex or something. please note i said 'sometimes'. )

sometimes you just wish you could talk to, or just confide in someone, but then you realise that you can't.

as much as you do want to, you just can't seem to bring yourself to confide in anyone. even your best buddies.
strange phenomenon.
it's just a guy thing.

guys just don't confide in guys. its like an unwritten rule.
guys confiding in girls? don't know.
never tried, and probably won't know for a while.

girls can just talk everything out. relationships, work.... everything.
sometimes i'm just soooo envious of them.

gah. guys don't express themselves very well. i'm sure most guys can relate.
next time you see a shiny happy boy, you just don't know whats underneath.

still waters run deep?

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

omg. this is hilarious. must view.
another one to the horrendously done subtitles.

>starwar. (no, the missing 's' not accidental)

ughhh... my stomach hurts.

once a saint always a saint.
i'm still a saint.

wonder why i've suddenly brought it up?
well. today my cousin smsed me regarding something really queer.

i seem to still be in sajc.
hmmm. that is rather strange.

i'm supposedly on the list of "people who don't have a cca"
i don't have a cca! coool.
it COULD be the slightest little possibilty that maybe i don't even exist in sajc...

once a saint always a saint.
although that is taking it a little too literally.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

bleah. i lost the picture heading for my tag board. o_O
so i shifted it to the bottom, until i upload it again. alamak. oh well.

badminton today :)

and we met famous anus!
"out from our ass and into your mouth!"

well. badminton was unfullfilling again. due to time constraints, but i see everyone has improved quite a bit. which means a little more competition. goodie.
amos has grown fatter. (must be the ozzie chips. x)
but we still went for our tau huey break nonetheless. just for old time's sake. i mean. who cares if HE gets fatter? ;)

still looking forward to thrashing him the next outing.
oh wait. i dont even think he visits my blog.

and now i'm back home.

monday is my first interim-crit, where you "sell" your product to a panel of about 10-20 teachers. this is gonna be soooo fun.

but i guess on the plus side, going to poly makes your english look sooooo good. :)

on a seperate note.
oh gosh. eddie posted the translations on his blog. goshh.
for those who haven't even heard it, its gooood. :) extremely tickling.


[the vid]
