Monday, May 28, 2007

you know those times you just feel so tired,
the times when it seems like you keep trying and trying and nothing you ever do is worth looking twice at. then you get all self-critical and blame yourself for not being good enough?

ahha. that's what i'm feeling right now.
aww man. this blog isn't off to a good start.

to make things look a bit better, here's a little update
we went fishing overnight on friday to saturday, and ended up only with 4 pieces of bait fish(courtesy of pat the fantastic jiggler), which we fed the bigger fish with. and so we went home with nothing. i think we need something a little more foolproof. ermm, leaf collecting? hiking? probably nothing which requires skill because we dont seem to have any. haha.

Monday, May 21, 2007

welcome back commander.

the blogs up, and i can't promise constant updates, nor can i promise happy ones, but for the uninformed, this is the closest you'll get to knowing whats going on with my life without me knowing. for more intimate detail, drop me a line.

just be happy i'm back okay? (:

love, dc.