Saturday, November 27, 2004

i decided to upload some of the grad night pics. was a pretty okay grad night, nothing extraordinary, and all the guys underdressed in my opinion, probably due to the absence of any female entities in the vacinity worth attracting. oh well... to the pictures!

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the class uber-geeks - joel and jeremy. what can i say. im keeping this picture for the future, when they become rich and famous, then i could..... heheheh....;)

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the tall. seem so tiny all of a sudden. and lookie - teenesh is closing his eyes, freaky. only his teeth can be see, ala cheshire cat grin?

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little zhang boyu. i almost had doubts shrinking the picture. heh heh. and i look freaky in this one. thats what you get for being totally not photogenic. =/

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me and nick. 2 racist shits.

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me, caleb and brain. nothing much to be said. hey faggot?

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ahha. a wonderfully taken picture. i got chengzhi to pose with me, holding a cup of chen zhi(orange juice in chinese). awesome huh?

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me,caleb,benny,ian. now i feel so big. ;) my usual clique.

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this is jason's saint's hunt number. nice and big. took this shot after weihao pointed out - TAI TEE.(trans. big two, common game played in class, second to bridge)

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the pool people. only played with them once tho, and wond one outta four games. mannnn... =/ ben ho, zombie, me, poo, boyu

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me, ian, joel, herng liang. sat @ same table during dinner. good pals too. not much else to comment.

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me, caleb and amos(aka three-ear). im busy trying to remove his third ear in the picture, resulting in a strange pose, and a very bad picture.

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me and supposedly the head prefect, aravinth. wherever he is. hey.... whats that strange white collars doing in the picture?

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the nerdy ones. chengzhi(aka kasmir), shawn cho and david ba (my dearest gaming buddy)

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sherm. see half the time on his head and all balancing on his arms, freqently resulting in much pain to the individual. i think they call it BREAKdancing or something to that effect(make's sense) oh... SHERMAN OWE'S ME MY TWO BEATLES CDS!

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jason. fellow comrade in the war against the forces of dora. 1st runner up for saints hunt.

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jason lim, kumlong. not my class, but my good buddies. fellow girl watchers, reasonably good taste too, which is why we click pretty well together.

okay. that's about it, mainly pictures of me and my friends, nothing exciting of sort, coz nothing fun actually happened that night. haha. generally for keepsake.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

okay, grad was yesterday. i wonder what the big deal is to be honest. coz if your friend's are worth remembering, you'd probably stay in touch anyway, so no big fuss about the "oh the last time i will see you" situations.
went to sentosa today. really red now. hmm. shoik? maybe not.
oh. and my toe nail is hanging on two pieces of flesh. should be going to the docs to have is sawed off tomorrow. hopefully... gets rather irritating when you can't even kick a ball. =/
i shall post the grad pics soon, when i have the time. just came back from sentosa ya, and its 11pm. =/ shagged.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

watched incredibles yesterday.
4.5/5 stars!
rated by me.

oh. im gonna be playing a close beta mmorpg called vastian, so i shouldn't be updating that much. games are my way of life... you can't blame me ya.
and i got my new specs. looks nice to me, but i guess other people might take a while to get used to it.
and grad night's tomorrow! will have to settle for a 39 dollar shirt from G2000 i guess. couldn't find very much nice clothes, and nobody wants to wear a suit with me... :'(

okay. thats it for a quick update. hope the vastian download goes quickly. =/ 2.5hours more!~

Saturday, November 20, 2004

went shopping for 4 hours yesterday.
went shopping for 7 hours today.

so far i've done nothing but gone shopping for the last 24hours since the exams ended. thats 11/24hrs. almost half the time shopping. cool...

the strange thing is that i totaly don't feel any much 'free-er' after the exams. every time i enter my room, i start thinking about what chapters of chemistry to study finish, how many maths sums to do. so much to the point its starting to get freaky...

last night, just before i slept i was thinking about....
Please Send Camels Monkeys And Zebras In Huge Cages.
...and then i fell asleep. lets face it. the o's have left me scarred for life. i'm absolutely totally traumatised. draw a fish and i start thinking about image over object dist.
show me a honda integra and i think of add maths.
McStudies. i'm losin' it.

...and i've been having trouble looking for a wallet. 4hrs looking for a wallet around the whole of orchard road and nothing that appeals to be. leather ones. and no, all you rich sheets out there, don't suggest braun buffel to me. no money man. was looking at around 40-60bucks. quiks, rips etc etc. tell me okie?

...and i just made new specs. just gotta wait for collection. hope it would be in time for grad dinner. don't wanna wear my old cruddy looking ones for it. ^^

...and i need a new mmorpg to play. please advise. not hello kitty online. please.

thats it. time to search for a new game. blog another time!

Friday, November 19, 2004

guess what. its over. whee x)
i feel like studying. mannnn...who am i kidding. time to partee kids!~
gotta do a lotta stuff. update another time.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

today <----------> the end.
(only this far away!) chem paper here i come.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

wow. 2 virtually impossible things happened today.
  1. physics was do-able.
  2. i found my fave honey mustard and onion pretzel bits in the new 7-11 near my school

its a good day. give a honey mustard pretzels and any day is a good day ;) only 2 more papers people. jiayou!~

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

please inform me on all after exam activities.
my mom wants me to get out of the house, although i wonder why she doesn't miss nagging at me for excessive use of the computer.
3 more days til partee time. ooo. im so excited.

Monday, November 15, 2004

the other day something was said about me being different while smsing and in real life. it kinda struck me to be honest, because it surprisingly isn't the first time i've been told this, and i shall sincerely apologies for my seemingly split-personality disorder. okay, formalities aside, i guess everyone should know something about me. oh and i'm act differently when i chat online too, but it's something like smsing, so nevermind.

i'm a hopeless freak who has virtually inexistent social skills, to put it frank. i can't even look people in the eye properly, much less look at people with both eyes. ;) teachers may find me a bit disrespectful because of that too.

the other thing is i don't do well in front of girls. (which kinda reduces the chances of me getting attached anytime soon...): big revelation?
i shall blame it on the lack of exposure to the opposite sex, being in a all boys primary and secondary school (homosapien- yes, homosexual - a big no-no :)
watching can do. talking? hard. =/ i get the jitters. esp if they're cute. *paiseh* so if i act strangely, at least your cute ^^. but if i don't act strangely, not saying your ugly, just that i probably would know you pretty well already.

i even find it hard to maintain eye contact with normal people except the people i'm used to talking to like maybe everyday. this is actually something that's i've not been proud of, and i've actually not told anyone. hmm... plenty of new exciting stuff on my blog everyday!~

so technically, i can't really say anything good about me. (which also shows the humongoose amount of self-esteem that i have.)

so to all those i've been seemingly cold to, or never had a proper conversation with - i really love you all a lot, and actually to be honest, the smsing dc, and the online dc is more like me after you get to know me more, coz without looking you in the eyes, i normally say whats on my mind. computer screens aren't so intimidating to me compared to people) so take your pick between weird, retarded, sincere me, or cool-headed, collected, couldn't-give-a-crap me.
and to all those who i've neglected and stuff, its not that i don't like you or anything. take heart :)
but i'm trying to be less conscient of attention to prepare for jc/poly next year. can't coop up in front of girls all the while can i? i'm a work in progress, and i need help, so try to accomodate if possible.

other than that i guess i'm quite normal. ;) mannn... who am i kidding.
i'm a joke.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

getting frequent blackouts(referring to the ones experienced when you or lie down for too long, and then try to stand up) recently. i wonder why... maybe its the lack of sleep. i bumped my head on the top part of my bro's bed, after trying to lie down. now i've got a bump on my head. ouch.
i think all my sea monkeys have died, and after my younger bro's birthday party. 10 little boys screaming around in the room. i have half a mind to blame it on them... butt.... i guess i can't jump to conclusions because i was @ tuition. ah well....
lost virtually all will to study recently too. thank goodness it's going to end soon.

"perseverance brings potatoes."
-daniel chia

... or more commonly put... "shall bear fruit" before anybody corrects me that potatoes are not fruits, i shall say that i have given up on biology already.

Friday, November 12, 2004


if you hadn't heard, the MOE acknowledeges that there was a mistake, and will assure that nobody will be disadvantaged as a result of a really stupid question.
my take on the situation?

hey cambridge fat stuck up ang mohs, go take you eyeballs, turn 'em sideways, and shove 'em up your candy-***! i shall spell it out since your eyes are the wrong way around.

[ y-o-u-h-a-v-e-b-e-e-n-P-W-N-3-D-!]

Princess died. must have been old age, since all adult ones died @ about the same time. ah well. now waiting for the f1 generation. ;) genotype phenotype? aw man. the ghost of bio past is haunting me again.
oh. guess what. hello kitty mmorpg coming out. are those people possessed or what?!

Thursday, November 11, 2004

mannn.... PrawnBall and Spot died. i guess females win in endurance. thank goodness i don't have to give birth... gotta hand it to the girls ;)

1 Princess and 4 tiny little babies. guess i shouldn't have changed that much water yesterday. chlorine in water does that to them, should have realised that normal rules for keeping fish still stand for keeping sea monkeys. ah well....
my younger bro says that if his group is well behaved, they get more sea monkey eggs. well.... i'm working on getting him better behaved now. x)

ah well. there went some sea monkeys, now just waiting for the little ones to grow bigger....

Go forth and multiply!

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

okay, this is the second post today. but i just had to post man.
i mean. i'm keeping sea monkys^^ 3 big ones(about 3mm in length) and many many tiny ones. kawaiiiiiiii-ne! x)
okay, its not my first time keeping sea monkeys, but they're still pretty awesome. (for those people living in wells, a sea monkey is not a monkey, but a kind of shrimp. and no, don't remid me of the ones for bio prac. those are big, ugly, smelly.... and dead.)
i even gave the three big ones names.
Princess is the one with the big ass... well... whatever that lump is
Spot is the one who has a black thing on one of his legs. lets hope its not gangrenous.
and PrawnBall is the normal male shrimp.

they're all living in a nice glass bottle, which came from my chior farewell night, after i threw away all the well wishes which on a piece of paper into the bin. <-- thats how much i love the choir.

and the little tiny ones are all named "little tiny baby ones" because i gave up trying to name them when i realised there were (1) too many, and (2) they all looked like they were clones of each other.

and guess what. the only thing i have to feed them is yeast like once in 2 days. cool huh.
okay, thats the update on how easily i'm fascinated during this dry, boring, exam period.
but i hope they don't die like my previous ones, which kicked the bucket after the pest busters came and fumigated the area. =/ ouch.

whee. this post is total insignificant, and totally not informative. please refer to the previous post of the day, which is just as insignificant, just as uninformative but less retarded. (all my posts are retarded, but that's beside the point.)


aw man.
first it was prawns, then now they give us freaky pupils (the ones in the eyes, not the normal ones who torment teachers everyday, just for your information, ther latter ones are perfectly normal). whats with the cambridge people man, they really must have been smoking crack when they set the papers, ah they may just as well have been trying to set the paper with they're eyes closed) well. there went two years of distinctions for bio down the drain i guess.

don't you just love the feeling?... its like running a marathon and just a few centimetres before the finish line you trip over a pebble or get tackled by a crazy irishman in a kilt, complete with those knee socks and a beret, ala olypics style. and noooo, you had to fall backwards instead of forwards.

and now the only option is to go study real hard for chem and physics. yay!~ how fun.
isn't it so much better?
how many crazy irishmen can you meet in life? to many to be honest.

at least we managed to prove murphy's law today.
("Anything that can go wrong will go wrong, and at the most inopportune time" for you people who don't know what murphy's law is.)

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

i'm tired.
so tired my rectus muscles, all six of 'em(per eye) are having problems holding my eyes in, and my cerebrum is turning into jello. and this ain't no vitreous humour for you to laugh about. both my hemispheres have totally saturated man, [adi]possessed by all the [con]junk[tiva] in my bio textbook.

okay, if you didn't get what i just said, you either don't take bio, or you haven't studied your bio enough, indicating the horrible death that awaits you tomorrow.

hope everyone is doing okay. only 2 weeks more! so near, yet so far away huh. all the best.

back to work!~

Thursday, November 04, 2004

i'm suffering from mid[exam]-life crisis.
bah. exams stink. the only thing i can think about during the exams is what i'm gonna do after that. the only difference from a normal day is the awfully rapid degradation of my social life, and the even greater lack of sleep in comparison to normal days.
one of the times i think shaving time off my personal best isn't all that pleasing.
onward to a maths tomorrow. Up and On!