guess what. i think i've found out that corniness and bad jokes must be a genetic thing. well. this happened shortly after my younger bro asked me why tigger was looking in the toilet bowl. (btw, the ans is trying to find pooh) gosh.
[bro] hey isn't that the new horror movie? (pointing to the poster of "one missed call")
[me] yea.
[bro] it has to be the sequel to "the ring".
[me] huh? (ponders a while, being used to my bro's penchant for really cheeeem lame stuff.)... and faints.
please try to keep away from any weird people with the surname chia. its for your own safety.
they say laughter is the best medicine. make sure you don't get an overdose. ask ben er. i think he's losing it too. =)