i decided to upload some of the grad night pics. was a pretty okay grad night, nothing extraordinary, and all the guys underdressed in my opinion, probably due to the absence of any female entities in the vacinity worth attracting. oh well... to the pictures!

the class uber-geeks - joel and jeremy. what can i say. im keeping this picture for the future, when they become rich and famous, then i could..... heheheh....;)

the tall. seem so tiny all of a sudden. and lookie - teenesh is closing his eyes, freaky. only his teeth can be see, ala cheshire cat grin?

little zhang boyu. i almost had doubts shrinking the picture. heh heh. and i look freaky in this one. thats what you get for being totally not photogenic. =/

me and nick. 2 racist shits.

me, caleb and brain. nothing much to be said. hey faggot?

ahha. a wonderfully taken picture. i got chengzhi to pose with me, holding a cup of chen zhi(orange juice in chinese). awesome huh?

me,caleb,benny,ian. now i feel so big. ;) my usual clique.

this is jason's saint's hunt number. nice and big. took this shot after weihao pointed out - TAI TEE.(trans. big two, common game played in class, second to bridge)

the pool people. only played with them once tho, and wond one outta four games. mannnn... =/ ben ho, zombie, me, poo, boyu

me, ian, joel, herng liang. sat @ same table during dinner. good pals too. not much else to comment.

me, caleb and amos(aka three-ear). im busy trying to remove his third ear in the picture, resulting in a strange pose, and a very bad picture.

me and supposedly the head prefect, aravinth. wherever he is. hey.... whats that strange white collars doing in the picture?

the nerdy ones. chengzhi(aka kasmir), shawn cho and david ba (my dearest gaming buddy)

sherm. see half the time on his head and all balancing on his arms, freqently resulting in much pain to the individual. i think they call it BREAKdancing or something to that effect(make's sense) oh... SHERMAN OWE'S ME MY TWO BEATLES CDS!

jason. fellow comrade in the war against the forces of dora. 1st runner up for saints hunt.

jason lim, kumlong. not my class, but my good buddies. fellow girl watchers, reasonably good taste too, which is why we click pretty well together.
okay. that's about it, mainly pictures of me and my friends, nothing exciting of sort, coz nothing fun actually happened that night. haha. generally for keepsake.