Monday, January 31, 2005

muscle ache.
pe was a good workout, consisting mainly of sprints.
then came basketball with some people i don't even know. pretty fun, except that the ball was furry (o_O) and so light that some qing gong had to be used in order to get the ball in the hoop.
ahhh. this is what i call shiok. pain is goodddd....
i was thinking of getting back to doing weights before bedtime, but i'm reconsidering. maybe i'll start tomorrow.
oh wait. didn't i say that yesterday?
the procrastinator strikes again.

chinese new year is around the corner.
the usual da shao chu has begun.
literally translated to BIG sweep.... queer if you come to think about it. the annual gamble! goshhh.... x)
the time when my mom begins to shift all the furniture, and in the process, disturbing the neighbours who aren't participating in the gamble, erm... furniture exodus and mass cleaning ritual.
it disturbs me too, who personally couldn't care about keeping all my stuff nice and organized.
ah well, but for tradition's sake, i shall bear with it for the moment.


oh yea. i need a new pair of pants/jeans for cny. anyone wanna go shopping or something? msg me. shopping is funnnn. x)

Sunday, January 30, 2005

gahhh... its 11pm in the evening.
i just finished my gp compre. goshh... this is like real hard stuff. much harder than secondary school english. i feel so stoooopid. sigh.
just when i thought jc life was fun, they had to fling me back to earth with a stupid gp tutorial. *bleah* ah well... not like i can do anything about...

to think that i came into sajc thinking:
"whee! 3months of fun, hot chicks... what could be better?"

suddenly sim poey teck springs into my mind.
"wake up your idea lar boy!"

maybe i should wake up.
this is just a dream.
this is just a dream.
i'll keep the fun and the chicks. make the homework inexistent. pwwwwease?^^

11.15pm in the evening.
1 more poster to do.
... or i could just screw it.
but i'm too nice. :)

to infinity and beyond!

Thursday, January 27, 2005

"violence is a sign of pregnancy"
-unknown, but repeated like a zillion times throughout the history of 3/4sa.

which brings me to a conclusion that half of the girls in my class are pregnant. (i might have my eyeballs gouged out for saying this... )
ahhh... literature today was like the most fun lit lesson i had ever had.
we played with balls. many many many balls. white balls, green balls, and big orange balls.
lets just say,

big orange ball + A41 girls = pain. reallll pain.

absolute carnage. oh well... but it was fun nonetheless. :)

today was alvin's birthday. we threw a pail of water and hosed him, and that was it.(no, no compressed soy bean products, and no soggy biscuits. thank goodness.) and luckily my birthday is after the first 3 months. *phew*

okay. that's about it for today. i realised that the quality of my blogs are becoming shorter and more sub-standard, as compared to last time. i seem to be just blogging about the day. =/ i'd better buck up.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

arghhh. my legs hurt.
for the first time, i ran virtually all(not inclusive of about 150m) of the 4.8km for cross country...
and to think that i was planning to walk yesterday... hmmm... funny ain't it?
i guess it was because everyone was like running, so to keep up with my friends and stuff, i decided to run. good workout actually. ^^

some of us went for lunch and pool after the cross country. i realised that for someone who has played only 5 times (excluding today) in his entire life, i'm not THAT bad. still bad though. better practice more.

and the highlight of the day..... neoprints.
goshhh... i've like never been so retarded in my life. surprisingly fun... haha
summore once wasn't enough. we had to like twice. crazy mannn.

after the period of total insanity, i went off to meet daryl, daniel and vanessa who were shopping for chinese new year stuff. i wonder how girls can buy so much stuff without thinking, while guys like consider for eternity just to buy something(with referrence to today's events and not in a attempt to make a sweeping generalization). really unstereotypical. haha.

life has becoming quite a lot more fun lately. :)

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

the people in my class have this strange affinity for forfeits. really sickening. but fun tho, come to think of it. keeping ending up doing the forfeits even tho i didn't really lose anything. gahhh... maybe i just seem very nice to disturb. =/ ah well... all in the name of fun i guess.
nothing much happened as usual. same ol' boring routinal stuff in school:

tutorials - sleep
lects - sleep...
break - wake up, play carrom

pe was fun i guess. floorball. i prefer games which invole the hands or head or shoulder and stuff... not the ones with plastic hand-extensions. but was okay nonetheless. hope we get to play something like rugby the next lesson... or maybe badminton!~ now who am i kidding ;)

tomorrow is cross country run walk ^^. better sleep early for the long, stenuous 4.8click walk tomorrow. ;)

Monday, January 24, 2005

watched 'shall we dance' today. was okay i guess.
feel good movie? don't really think its my type though. 3/5?
today was boring. as usual. nothing cool happened, just went to catch the show(mentioned above) with some of my class pple and went home.
gahhh... i can't think of much to blog about. another time.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

anyone been reading the newspapers?
that taupok-hating person who wrote to the forums has actually made many previously kept in the dark traditions come to light. and article in the papers today was like totally dsiturbing. namely the 'soggy biscuit' tradition(the sunday times, 23 jan 2005, pg37).
i shall not elaborate (go read it yourself. this blog is kiddy-friendly, so i shall keep all content happy and nice so all you kiddies won't complain to mommy about my blog and get it splashed on the newspaper forums. ;) but i mean... its like come on mannn... STDs!!! go read it up. yucks. its sick.
okay, today was badminton day @ church, and we played badminton! (duHz...)
today my aunts boyfriend came to our house, as well as all the rest of the relatives for dinner.
his name is bart. i had the sudden urge to play the name game (bart bart bo bart, bananna fanna fo fart!~) buttt.... being the restrained person i am, i didn't make any stupid comments that night. it was real hard, but i managed to pull through.
gahh... not to mention, the presence of relatives disallowed my to use the computer as my com is unappropriately placed in the living room. and now i shall have to do some catching up. ;)

Saturday, January 22, 2005

im a procrastinator.
its saturday night, and the wallpapers are still not up.
someday i intend to resolve not to procrastinate (ironic ain't it) ;)
welll... maybe it was because today was a good day. to the point i forgot about it. haha.
i got my blades today. yayy... :) finally. pretty basic salomon skates for around 200bucks. at least i've got blades! yay!!~ i still can't turn around properly nor T break. mannn i stink. better improve asap. ^^
now road trip is on tv!... blog again tmmr. and ermm.... MAYBE put up the wallpapers.
but as wei hao said...
you'd all be hobbling with sticks before i get it done. so don't expect too much. ^^

Friday, January 21, 2005

today was funn. where have i been all my life. :)
surprisingly i can still move around on those shoes-with-wheels-attached. i mean... its been like 10years since i bladed. awesome.
dunking was fun too... well... kinda.
wallpapers will be delayed for one day. i'll do it tomorrow morning. its too late to use my laptop.
and i learnt that you can't watch tv and blog at the same time. ;)
peace out_.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

my post got wiped. dang. im so lazy to write again, so i shall summarize.
  1. brain is going off to study tomorrow. will miss him a lot.
  2. today was the farewell party. swensen's. damn bloated. better eat less tommorrow.
  3. og outing tomorrow to east coast park. tho i don't really like it, but i shall go nonetheless coz i think it'll be a good bonding session.
  4. wallpapers will be up tomorrow also.
stay tuned.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

damn tired.
xboxing for about 5hrs is no joke. i think my eyes are watering. sighhh... too much of a good thing? i don't really mind.^^
halo 2 + big cars + 4 controllers = real fun. it was like total fragfest. the vibes from the controller is still running through my hands. can't wait to do it again. :)
another day of school tomorrow.... i'm getting tired of school...
school is fun. but i can't stand waking up. pure torture.
i need sleep.
i need sleep.
i need sleep.
i need sleepppzzz

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

i can't do chinese for nuts anymore.
to think i had promised myself never to touch that subject after last year's chinese o's.
not to mention i'm the only guy in chinese class. how funky is that. -_-"
run run run, jump, jump, jump, push-up, up up, sit-uppp~
pe was pretty slack. i'd expected it to be harder. but the touch the other person's knee was quite stupid in my opinion. totally no point one siaa..
the teacher was nice fellow too, plus he's our moral ed teacher. yay.
og outing was postponed until friday. where we'll be going to east coast park to do who-knows-what, but i think it'll be fun. =)
that's it for the quick update...
game patching is taking a while.....

Monday, January 17, 2005

i don't really like our ct.
whee. up to the point school ended for the day, he still hadn't given me the timetable for photocopying to give the class. not only that, he was like didn't seem to know anything about it. goshh. talk about not listening during morning assembly.
plus the fact that his lips either look like they've been stung by a bee, or as if he put lipstick,(honestly, i wouldn't be surprised if he did).
i don't know... i would say he looks rather 'kiam pa'(the kind of face you wanna whack)
not to mention the striking resemblance to william hung.
but i guess i don't really know him well enough to judge. maybe i shouldn't be that critical.
anyway... the new time table is out, and my day ends at 4.45pm tomorrow, and after that will be an og outing i think. hope we don't end up playing strange games like today...
but then again...
i actually wouldn't mind.....

Sunday, January 16, 2005

i have never been so shagged in my life.
played badminton 4 times this week, with an average of 2-3hours per time.
for once, my calf is hurting, i've got 2 blisters on my feet, stubbed a finger and a toe, and my arms are virtually immobile.
plus the basketball today resulted in my specs being bent out of shape not once, but twice.

this rocks. :) to be honest, i could do this every week. oh, and i'm gonna get my blades soon. yayyy!!.
okay... im going crazy, i need some sleep, and i've got to eat dinner now, while supporting singapore in the tiger cup finals. (how patriotic righhttttt...^^)
oh cooll.... one goal already... blog again tomorrow... this is exhilating. *now how am I kidding?!*

Saturday, January 15, 2005

2days and counting. still no wallpapers put up.
guess i've just been to preoccupied with badminton and playing computer. haha. sorrie people.
i promise i'll get them up by friday okay? ^^

was reading through a computer cutomization magazine from the uk, and i realised how little i know about hardware. goshh... i'd better get with the times.
...and to think that i'm gonna make my new com soon.... mannnn.... i need a crash course. anyone?

oh yea. and seeing that everyone is advertising, here's with convention.
buy SAJC funfair tickets from ME!
thank you. x)

i don't really seem to have much to blog about today. tomorrow then... maybe i'd think of something interesting. =)

Thursday, January 13, 2005

oh oh... i forgot.
i will be putting up a section of my blog for my wallpaper designs so that all my loyal fans can download them onto their computers! fantastic huh?! x)
stay tuned!!

i'm sleepy.
today was fun.
1-2hrs of captain's ball* and 2 hours of badminton. quite fun.
you know what? i don't know what to post about.
so i shall just talk about what happened after the "outing". the four guys from our og, (hongwei, me, jon, and hafiz) and jilyn and jia ling went to have a drink, and there was where hafiz showed off his chinese prowess, with phrases ranging from "ni hen mei li" (you are very pretty) to "ni de lian xiang wo de pi ku" (your face looks like my bum) to "wo si huan ni de pi ku"(i like your bum)" it was hilarious.
oh, and he tried to teach us malay too. didn't really get very far. he's a lot better.

also, before we got to the tiong bahru plaza to have our drink, we asked this guy at the turf club how to get there. and after we got our answer, hafiz replied with a wonderfully distorted rendition of "xie xie ni" and "zai jian". i could have sworn his drink was about to come out of his nasal cavities as he tried not to laugh.

you know about misheard lyrics? well... there was a case of mi-said chinese. he wanted to say "ni ke yi qing(2) wo ma?" (could you treat me) to jilyn referring to a drink, but ended up saying "ni ke yi qing(1) wo mah?" (could you kiss me).
mannnnn... my sides hurt real bad after that.

okay... its 9pm, and i feel like sleeping. this is totally not usual. oh well... i might as well get to sleep soon before i find myself drooling on the keyboard and hugging the mouse for a bolster. ciaoz.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

the badminton tryouts were today....
and i didn't even get past the first round of tryouts. gah... although i thought i did pretty okay, i guess it wasn't really that good with the seniors. oh well. even the person i played against(and seeminly own3d) got in. but nooooo, they wouldn't let me in. gahh... what am i lamenting about.
maybe badminton isn't really my cup of tea. what the heck, it could be YOUR cup of tea.
here. you can have it back. =/

the funny thing is that yesterday i was contemplating whether to go join badminton, or saints for christ(SFC). real dilemma. God knows best. which is probably why i didn't even get in for the first round of tryouts. God wants me to go join SFC. so be it. ^^

Ginny Owens - If You Want Me To
The pathway is broken
And The signs are unclear
And I don't know the reason
why You brought me here
But just because You love me
the way that You do
I'm gonna walk through the valley
If You want me to
Cause I'm not who I was
When I took my first step
And I'm clinging to the promise
You're not through with me yet
so if all of these trials bring me closer to you
Then I will go through the fire
If You want me to
It may not be the way
I would have chosen
When you lead me through a world that's not my home
But You never said it would be easy
You only said I'd never go alone
So When the whole world turns against me
And I'm all by myself
And I can't hear You answer my cries for help
I'll remember the suffering
Your love put You through
And I will go through the valley
If You want me to
let it be.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

school was boring. i'm running outta things to write about. this is bad...
talking about bad, lets go to the topic of badminton. x) goshhh... unintentional. honest.
today we had a briefing about the badminton team for our school. the teacher said the school badminton team was ultra crappy(or well.... something to that effect) and hence doesn't even have the allowance to get a coach. how cool is that?! (-__-")
not to mention, the badminton team has slots for a grand total of about 16 people! awwsome huh? and they've never won anything either! gahhh...
i still shall be going for the tryouts, just to see if i still can make it, and hopefully the other players too can make it, and we shall be the hope of the school. yea right.
oh wait... im going to be in sajc for only 3 months. forget it... i think i'm just gonna have some fun. ^^

Monday, January 10, 2005

went to play badminton with my new school mates today! they are good!~ ^^
challenging. :)
jill is one of the best girls i've played badminton with. she is like.... totally raddd.... x)
sadly, she lost ez link card at the end of the day, which was a pretty crap ending to a good day, but she managed to stay really cool and kept crapping around with us guys. fantastic. pei fu.
lects were boring as usual, well.... lect was boring. the lit teacher does looks like fun tho.
and we had like 3 talks. goshhh.... so ridiculous. might as well not go to school....
haha... okay... gotta go~ shagged. blog again soon

Friday, January 07, 2005

first day of lessons.

economics lecture... zzz
geography lecture(which i wasn't supposed to attend)....zzz
c maths(aka maths 9233) lecture...zzz

now what were they saying?!
lets just say is was boring. the teachers are like monkeycrap. forgive me for my language, but they are really really crappy. bitchy also man...
the econs teacher was like asking us to take down notes when there were like totally no notes to take. goshhh...
then the geog teacher doesn't allow eating of sweets in class.
and the maths teacher like didn't really seem like she knew what she was teaching. was almost like merely repeating what was on the presentation.
professionalism. yea right.

a real far cry from the orientation.

i suddenly miss orientation.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

day four orientation : finale finally?

how would i descibe today

today was damn fun.

perfect summarization of all the events huh...^^ [sarcasm intended]
'great' would be an understatement too.

i just got home not too long ago, and the jump in my feet, the noise in my ears and the adrenaline from my adrenal glands is still running in my veins. (forgive me for the sudden referrence to secondary four topics, but the whole overdrive is getting to my head)

the whole very cliched storyline with all that 'must' unite to overcome, ala power rangers thunder megazord thing was used for the camp finale, but stupidity ain't so bad i guess. :)

the real fun was after the whole thing i guess. madness. my legs hurt... at least i get to lose some weight. *think positive*^^

gahh... i can't stand blogging for the moment. im either too tired or too hyped. can't decide. i think i'm gonna have a hangover tomorrow. high w/o drinks. funky.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

day three orientation

today? mass dance AGAIN. the previous day's was better... maybe the excitement just wears off when you do i more than once. some girl who i back-massaged on day one orientation. forgot her name. oh well. x)
besides the lindy hop thing, we had some indian style dancing! it was okay, until i saw the big G dancing. it was totally freaky. he looked really funny. i mean... i've never see such a huge guy wobble so quickly. O_O goshhhhh...
he won the 'hairest armpit person' hunt too. how cool is that... i could get lost in there. ^^ kidding. (no offence giddy)
then we had conquest, or more simply put, station games. was pretty fun, tho we missed out 2 of the more messy stations. =/
the principal had a talk with the christians too. really good one, espcially the singing and the sermon by the pastor. many christians in one room praising God. awesome... im considering joining SFC already.
tommorow is the big finale. gonna be like totally raa-raa? (my vocab is failing, and im starting to speak like the girls in my group with all the raa-raa and stuff. mannn
i'd die if i had to do it everyday, but i'd want to do it again another time. :)
oh yea, i got into the 4subs class, but i forgot what combi i signed up for. oh well, will know when i get to school tomorrow. i managed to clear the art test too, which means i SHOULD be taking art for a levels if i do stay in jc (although unlikely)... yay. still can't believe i my 'hand holding hello panda packet' managed to make it. ^^

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

day two orientation.

the girls from my orientation group are fantastic. guess they finally warmed up over the day. they're really nice people. nicer than i'd expected. i shall not mention any names(maybe because i still can't remember many or their names ;), but some of them are cute too.
guys? only 4 of them, so i can't really judge very much. cool dudes i guess. f4 to the og leader. bah.... stinky nick. f4 is totally gayyy...^^

today we had treasure hunt, cheering, and mass dance.
treasure hunt was boring. or so i found it. but team spirit really shone during the hunt. it also
brought out the potential leaders in the group.

cheering was worse. i got sabo-ed into going up to do the cheer by my group leader. sighhh... always the boys... if it were really at random, the permutation is like totally wrong man...

then was mass dance! was really fun to say the least, especially when virtually nobody could keep up with the speed the dance was going. was supposed to be something like lindy hop. gah, fast dance, two left feet? definitely don't go together. but was it was fun just crapping it up. many thanks to that annabelle girl(can't rememeber if thats the right name... haha... im really bad at names) for being so game to be my unfortunate dance parter.

then the whole group went harbour front for dinner. good bonding session, and most of the group members are becoming more and more like a group. awesome. our leader didn't come because the meeting for the leaders ended late tho, wasted.
oh yea, forgot to mention about our leader.
she's really nice. =) tho at times rather bua hiao bai and ACBC, buttt... a nice person.

this group is great, although on the first day when i came in, i felt really out of the place, especially with so many girls, but things have really turned out great. thank God.

Monday, January 03, 2005

this is like damn funny... its some pirated translations of the lotr movies(first two).

fellowship of the ring:

two towers:

enjoy~ really funny, some funnier than the others. but still really funny. MUST READ.

day one orientation

Went to Saint Andrew's Junior College in case some of your don't know. mainly indoor games, ice-breakers, getting-to-know you sessions, pretty usual stuff, just that my orientation group has 25 girls and 4 boys. which means 1 boy gets around 6 girls. x) now how cool is that.
downside is that the people are kinda dao. sigh...
i made 5 friends today - jonathan, jonathan, hafiz, desiree (<--shes the neighbour i kinda never knew until today) and some guy whose name i forgot. i guess i'm really crappy at remembering names, making me loser of whacko twice out of four times. come onnn.... =/
pretty okay activities, but lousily concocted storyline to go with the orientation theme. x)
tomorrow is gonna be games (whee!~) and mass dance (yucks yucks yucks!!!!)
more to come tommorrow!