Not-So-Rugby.a series of unfortunate events involving dc.
today, me and luc decided to go for rugby training, after a week of procrastination, citing an impending project dateline as the reason for absence.
so we headed down to the pitch after school, pulling along our lead-filled legs, after a whole day of school.
and we went on the pitch.
and i noticed that 3/4 of all the players were girls.
"hubba bubba. x)" was what i thought initially.
but at the same time i was rather surprised at the amazingly high proportion of girls.
but i dismissed it as a coincidence - that girls dominate both touch rug and full-contact.
because i like to focus on the matter at hand. ^o^
then i gave up after realizing i wasn't wearing my specs. this was rugby after all.
all 'bout the balls. not other spherical objects.
crap. i've digressed a little too much. (all part of the fulfillment of my quest to be the next douglas adams.)back to the story.
then when i asked this guy about what position he played...
i finally realised it was touch rugby.
yes. TOUCH RUGBY. or what i would call. Not-So-Rugby.
not saying that i've anything against touch rug, but i guess its not really my cup of tea.
its not RUGBY to me. its... its..... TOUCH RUGBY. x)
much to my disappointment though, the girls did not have a match with the guys(weeeelll... excect the last match with involved one girl, but she was on my team.).
but back to the point once again.
training was darned easy.
the only tiring part of the whole session was the warm ups.
i'm not saying touch rug is a piece of cake. it might just be the sp training.
what i've learnt is that unlearning is a lot tougher than learning.
like in contact, we normally hit first, then let the ball out.
for touch, its pass before hitting, or get touched, and PUT THE BALL DOWN.
hence i got quite a few touch passes. which was not a very good thing.
then came then standing flat when defending and standing deep when attacking.
for which i just stood deep all the time, much to the inconvenience of my team mates.
thank goodness most of them were nice people.
in the end, after some ugly stupid mistakes and some nicer moments, the match ended.
and the coach said something that was i felt a little uncomfortable with.
"some of you are very good. quick learners. people like lucas, daniel, desmond...."
that was fine. a little praise was pretty nice.
"i hope to see you on thursday."
and i was thinking. "sorry to break your heart, coach, but i belong somewhere i can legally pulverize people."
"and looking at the people we have now, we should be able to form a guys touch rug team. maybe about 2 more people."
now i feel bad.
as much as i would like to feel up some people's bums(just an off the cuff remark. you can take your hands off your bum now.), i'd much rather spear them.
i need an outlet for all the inner rage in me!
not that there's much though.
and that wrapped up the training.
i didn't fall, i didn't get bruised, and i didn't get all that much of a good work out.
i hope i get the timeslot right next time.
i miss getting hurt,
and i'm too much of a wuss to cut myself(worry not. x)
next practice!