ANDO! WO YONG YUAN ZI CHI NI!the weekend is here! time to update what's been happening.
thursday, 10 Nov. went over the capitol tower the other day to attend a forum where the guest speaker was toyo ito. toyo ito is an architect. a pretty lean mean architect whose project, vivo city(singapore world trade centre) is current in the making.
he's a rather queer, cute jap guy.
well. ok. time to get the interesting part.
we didn't get in.
due to the overwhelming number of toyo fan boys and girls, we ended up stuck outside.
and so IVAN came up with a plan.
he decided to go to the usher and gush about how he's toyo's biggest fan, and whatnot.
something to the effect of "toyo ito! wo yong yuan zi chi ni!"
but somehow the words didnt come out right.
it went a little something like this:
"ANDAO! wo.... oh shit!"
there went our chances of getting in.
who is ando? ando is an architect. a world-renowned jap guy.
they both have very different.
the only few things similar between them is the fact that both of them are
(1) jap
(2) architects
(3) and have two syllable surnames

"ANDO! wo yong yuan zi chi ni!"

ito isn't gonna be very pleased when he hears this.
ivan never fails to say things wrongly.
mr. ivan insipid thesaurus.
saturday, 12 Novlaureen is going over to NZ to study soon, so we had a farewell gathering of sorts, at settler's cafe.
was pretty fun. hahaha
the games were really tough though.
daniel dislikes purple snakes.
don't know about it? go play snorta! some day.
anyway. something strange happened.
while i was walking back to the table after throwing away some tissue in the bin, i walked past the table just next to us.
and the person asked me for the menu.
okay. do i look like a waiter to you?
i didn't even have the big yellow words on my back saying "i play games for a living, how about you"
the thing is, first this guy asks me.
and then the girl from the same table does the same.
hellloooo... you ask this guy to get you a menu.
he stares at you all funny and stuff.
get the hint?
so i decided give them the 'people's eyebrow' packed with a "im-not-a-waiter" stare.
and they apologize, laugh to themselves, and try to find the nearest hole to stick their heads in
...and daniel decides to go and get them the menu.
just to make them even more embarassed for the heck of it.
one back at ya.
maybe i shall go and work there some time.
all in the name of fun. anyway. they were all here for some entertainment right?
it was a fun night, albeit a little short.
anyone wanna send laureen off on friday, please tell me. we need more people. ESPECIALLY those who didn't come today. you owe her one.