mason got back this morning, from china, and requested that we'd go to little india for dinner. and so started daniel's adventure of the day.
i've never been to little india before, and strangely enough, for a first time there(sort of), i felt at home! just that they didnt have turbans. so of course, im far more attractive than them. x)
so we went to some banana left restaurant where all the food is served on banana leaves.
AMAZING! and with such a big area covered with leaf, it was virtually impossible to drop your food on the tables. such innovation!
well, we ate... some strange piles of chicken, mutton, and fishhead curry, which all tasted pretty good, but the weirdest and best thing i tasted for the night had to be this:

curry muthafisaurus!
fantastic. it tasted heavely, and it looks cool too. honestly, i've never seen such a great tasting abomination in my life.

the best part of it - muthafisaurus eyeball. nice and bloody.

muthafisaurus with a sikh touch of turban, courtesy of VANESS SNG BUAY.
and after devouring a muthafisaurus and drinking LASSI, we walked through the place, trying to figure out how to pronounce the names of temples, shops, and other various vaguely indian sounding objects, only to realise why we were made chinese and not indian.
but i found the shop named "mama & papa" really cool. it's like a ooober mama shop, so mama isn't enough.
and as we walked along, i just had to snap the picture of a banner advertising for some mad shop. yes mad. it's the name of the shop.
and the banner is even funnier.

i mean. the guy calls himself a mad man! how funkae is that?! not the guy in the picture, he's a wannabe.
it's just jon lame. not henry.
he's just a nut trying to claim insanity.
i'd post more, but im tired. oh well. i think the pictures would be more than enough for the night