Wednesday, June 28, 2006

we all know that stanley being unable to make good jokes is fact not fiction.
stanley says people get orgasms in supermarkets in the organic food section, which wasn't funny at all. but anyway, the thing is that he DID make a good joke today. before you freak, please read the follow excerpt from the conversation with me, van and stanley:

::..>"~~"< ¥§tÅn£Eÿ¥ >"~~"<..:: says:
organic vegetables are orgasm
as hot as an ice cube says:
felt a cucumagsm?
WOW KINKY. says:

WOW KINKY. says:

::..>"~~"< ¥§tÅn£Eÿ¥ >"~~"<..:: says:

it comes from the word organism
::..>"~~"< ¥§tÅn£Eÿ¥ >"~~"<..:: says :
::..>"~~"< ¥§tÅn£Eÿ¥ >"~~"<..:: :
cool rite?
WOW KINKY. says:
as hot as an ice cube says:
::..>"~~"< ¥§tÅn£Eÿ¥ >"~~"<..:: :

so everyone can have a share ofit
WOW KINKY. says:
::..>"~~"< ¥§tÅn£Eÿ¥ >"~~"<..:: says:
as hot as an ice cube says:
WOW KINKY. says:
as hot as an ice cube says:
WOW KINKY. says:
as hot as an ice cube says:
WOW KINKY. says:
WOW KINKY. says:
as hot as an ice cube says:
as cool as a cucumber
WOW KINKY. says:
as hot as an ice cube says:
as hot as an ice cube says:
WOW KINKY. says:
::..>"~~"< ¥§tÅn£Eÿ¥ >"~~"<..:: says:
cucumber are cool?
::..>"~~"< ¥§tÅn£Eÿ¥ >"~~"<..:: says:
they are?
as hot as an ice cube says:
cucumbergasms are cool
as hot as an ice cube says:
::..>"~~"< ¥§tÅn£Eÿ¥ >"~~"<..:: says:

oh okay
as hot as an ice cube says: -.-"
as hot as an ice cube says:

::..>"~~"< ¥§tÅn£Eÿ¥ >"~~"<..:: says:
oh i made a joke that lame made
::..>"~~"< ¥§tÅn£Eÿ¥ >"~~"<..:: says:
and i dun know?
::..>"~~"< ¥§tÅn£Eÿ¥ >"~~"<..:: says:
oh damn
::..>"~~"< ¥§tÅn£Eÿ¥ >"~~"<..:: says:
lame is good

-___-" stan is amazing..... ly stupid.
and he called me a d***face. thanks a lot. but i guess we need such people for entertainment. even thought sometimes he's as good as the reruns showing on the telly.

yes, we all love you stan. even if your sense of humour is totally off tangent, we still love you. don't worry.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

you know, there's so much i'd like to have.
today i wished i were richer so i could give people treats.

i just realised, today, at 2am, piled to my neck in work, and knee-deep in shit, that i'm pretty happy with everything.
either i'm totally losing it, or i've found the meaning of life, but i highly suspect its the former.

everything shitty seems pretty good for some reason or other now. maybe my perspective has changed. maybe i'm just so sleepy i'm starting to hallucinate.

i'm happy i'm pretty ugly because i means i'm not going to get a shallow girl (if i even manage to get one, but lets be optimistic for once.)
i'm happy i'm gonna die chionging my model because i could be still stuck on my plans - then i'd be pretty much dead already
i'm happy that i'm not very friendly, because that means although i dont have very many friends, but i have a few good friends.
i'm happy that people rarely give me stuff, because that means i appreciate whatever i get more.
i'm happy i'm not rich, because it doesnt allow me to buy friendship.
i'm happy i don't have much so i wont take anything for granted.

i'm happy because today, nette, lame, pat munkit, and ng came to my house today to help me with my model (:, even if i'm still not done with it.

and if you add it all together, i should be delirious now. i'd actually be grinning like an idiot if i had enough energy. i'm having a good day. as bad as it seems.

happy is definitely not a yuppie word.

Friday, June 23, 2006

friends are the people who keep you company.

best friends are the people who'll stay up past their bedtime to accompany you while you're rushing a project, feeling sorry because they can't help you with anything, but ending up as the greatest help of all by just being there. and all the while not knowing it.

thank you sooo much.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

soooo complicated.
why does everything have to be that way?
my design is killing me.

Sunday, June 18, 2006


happy birthday to mEe. (:

me, mEe and nette after we presented her with the roses, and nette wanted to pose smelling the roses. so i decided to play along.

the roses smelt okay until i accidentally, cow-instinctively, licked one. didn't taste very good. the next taken after was a lot more unglam, so i shalln't post it. ;) this was just before i licked it.

nette made me do it. the pimple that followed the day after was her fault.
stupid nette. >.<
i've this weird feeling she wanted me to do it so she wouldnt be the only one having a pimple which she got the day before.
thanks a lot.

the art of seduction. right. we ate something, and the cameraman was overly anxious to take the picture. and viola. okay? we we're not trying to be seductive.

i remember posting once, like a year ago or something that dreams are the mind's way of masking reality.
they just screw up your perception, til you don't know whats real anymore.

i'm giving up on dreaming.


when you feel like shit, and end up thinking too much, you feel even more like shit and then you think too much, and then you feel like a even bigger piece of shit and you think even more, and then you blog about it, and then you feel even worse, and then you'll get too tired and go to sleep and then wonder the next day why you were feeling like shit the previous day because you felt and shit and thought too much, and felt even more like shit, and then, you'll feel better after you get too tired of feeling like shit.

ahh the wonders of life. it's so great because when everything is totally like shit, it can't get worse. and you feel better coz thereafter it'll just keep improving.

i'm banking on feeling better tomorrow. off to bed then!

Friday, June 16, 2006


i woke up this morning and smelt the roses.

i then got attacked that same bunch of horny thorny, bloodthirsty fruit wannabes , leaving me with puncture woulds on my finger tips.
and no, in case you were wondering, my fingers did not get any greener(GREEN FINGERS GEDDIT? okay. nevermind), nor did i become a thornyrosebushman because they weren't radioactive.

i now proclaim my hate for roses. although i wouln't mind getting some. just dont ask me to de-thorn them, because as i've learnt today, they clearly don't like it.
daniel wants government funding for genetically-modified thornless roses! all in favour say aye!
(i'm sure nette would agree :) we shall order next time ey?)

whatever it was, it was quite well worth the effort. because anything is worth the effort when you're making it for someone else. (: and i'd do anything just for a shocked, surprised, and yousavedourlivesweareeternallygrateful-look anyday.
hope you liked it mEe. (:

well, today, well, half an hour ago, was mamee's birthday.
and mamee is getting old. and it's okay if you've gone a little senile, a few cards short of a full deck, but we still love you very much. (: okay, i'm kidding.
she's one of the prettiest and nicest people around and because she kept my present i made for her two years ago, i've decided to make a present for her every year. (:

HAPPY(er... belated by now?) BIRTHDAY MEE!
hope you liked the hopeless earrings. (:
made by a guy, so you can't blame me for the shoddy workmanship. ha.

and talking about gifts...
cheryl lim sure knows how to make a daniel happy.
(:(: thankewethankewethankewe for the timbuk2.

daniel is a happy boy today, because making people happy makes daniel happy, and other people making daniel happy makes daniel happy(erm. duh -.-").
and when daniel is happy he doesnt make sense. but i'd think you'd know that by now.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

i talked till late today.
and it was good.

Saturday, June 10, 2006


a happy camper is what i am.
just got back from church camp, and it's been great. the messages were great, the people were the best, and God was awesome.

camp revolved around God, but there was a lot of work in between. which totally sucked.
thankfully i managed to get internet connection for submissions.

what was eventful during the camp:

  1. i bunked with daryl pat.
  2. i managed to complete all my submissions. although i didn't put much effort into it.
  3. nette ate 8 pieces of apple stuff, and 4 pieces of chocolate stuff which everyone thought tasted like swimming pool water... and said it tasted good.
  4. daryl and sheryl pat love to con people of their doughnuts.
  5. nicolas is a mini jon lame, and that, does not bode well.
  6. i hate kids. naughty kids. nice ones are fine.
  7. daryl is a pedophile.
  8. i lost my handphone and my watch a few moments after, but found both. although one was found by some other outsider. miraculous. i need help to take care of my things. i should hire somebody. or buy i new slot in my warehouse for 1000000 gold or something.
  9. sophie is a beast. (: ASK ME WHY!
  10. josiah is hot.
  11. piggy backing people is hard work.
  12. abel has officially been pronounced as gay. totally. x)
  13. desaru mosquitoes are crazy. they suck as bad as the internet connection.
  14. jacob is weird. but he makes good mua chee, but doenst bathe very well. (:
  15. i think im growing old. i can't relate to some of the younger people. and i cant remember my children song actions.
  16. vaness' grandma is funny.
  17. i nailed nette's foot with a chair, and carpet burned her. and for that i'm really sorry. :( im rough. SORRYYYY.

okay. can't think of much now. but almost everything was eventful. God was the bestest, but he's always the bestest, so i expected that. whee.