well, almost a week after friday, and here i am to fulfill my promise.
and since it's been a while, i shall just update.
its been a pretty eventful week of sorts. though not really in the most pleasant of ways.
friday's submission went bad. horrid. i had to reprint an extra 3 sheets of floorplans because some things didn't turn out right. and i pretty much had the option of paying for 3 sheets, but i decided to be honest and remind the person that i had printed 9. silly me. -_-" of all times to feel like being an honest person, i HAD to pick the time when i was running low on funds,
but i guess feeling good about yourself for 30bucks is pretty worth it.
oh, and folding a huge paper crane with a $3.50 piece of oversized printed mahjong paper feels good, when the only thing you wish to do is get anything CAD related outta sight. trust me. it's therapeutic.
i caught the lakehouse by myself(as loser-ish as it may seem).
on the handphone, converted from a file of unknown origin. la la la.
because asking a guy to watch it with me is just plain gh3y, and asking a girl would be suggestive coz i half expected it to be a horridly mushy and romantic chick flick. thus i decided to save the awkwardness and trouble by just watching it myself.
well. two words - it. sucked.
i mean, if keanu reeves died it would have been a pretty nice show. but since he survived, it's become a totally impossible, idealistic show, with the sole purpose of making people feel warm and fuzzy inside.
well, didn't work for me. i ended up feeling cheated.
I MEAN, THE WHOLE FREAKIN' SHOW I WAS WAITING FOR HIM TO DIE. then i could maybe shed a tear or something.
and what? he has to go Neo on me and 'come back to life'
(well, technically he doesnt die, but instead gets warned beforehand that he's going to die, so he doesnt die. but theoretically, if he doesnt die because he was warned that he wouldn't die, wouldn't that make the person unable to warn him not to die because he never really died in the first place? okay. quit it. no more "going-into-the-past-to-kill-my-grandfather-theories)
hell, they might as well come up with sequals titled the Lakehouse Returns, and the Lakehouse Revolutions. or something. you know, i'd rather not think of it.
so shoot me if you think i'm biased just because im sadistic and like to watch people die. but go watch it for yourself. you'd wish he'd have died too.
it is however, highly recommended for architecture students as Reeve's father goes on rambling about the greats like corbusier, and frank llyod wright among others on the list of architects. '
oh. i should pick up il mare. maybe it's a little better. but i don't know. hmm.
i'm extremely happy i finally won the stupid Evo in Need For Speed Most Wanted because i was at it for 3 days owing to a stupid autosave function which i didnt know could be switched off, leaving me to race porsches and eclipeses with a stupid rx-8.
if you didn't get what i just said, nevermind. i just had to bitch about it.
i guess you couldn't really call that a very eventful week, because the most eventful part i wont mention due to personal reasons.
but you, thanks for telling me, and i'll definitely do something about it. because that's the only option i have. the other option i could take isn't really an option because i'd rather die than choose it. thanks throwing it straight in my face because i'm dull. and for that i apologize.
you actually make me the sorriest bugger on earth. scary to think of it. it's been humbling in a way. thank you.
let's get outta this rut yea?
well, the next submissions in a little over two weeks, and hopefull i'll blog more because this blogs been stagnating for quite a while. will update as whenever possible, if time permits. (: